Quality is at our Core

Our screening team are trained specialists, dedicated to providing you with the best possible service.

About Staffvetting.com

NSI Gold certificate logoStaffvetting.com is the UK’s leading quality provider of background screening services, an accredited provider of vetting (pre-employment screening) services to the public, private and third sector. We have been delivering these services since 2002 and have built up a reputation for excellence and outstanding customer service. We are NSI Gold accredited for ISO9001 and NCP11 for BS7858:2019 vetting. We are also ISO27001 accredited for Information Security through British
Assessment Bureau.

We offer a wide range of background screening and vetting checks, including:

Trusted & Established

Staffvetting.com (Nova Risk Management) was established in February 1999 with the purpose of providing a specialist Candidate & Employee Screening service. We offer a vast range of background screening services, catered to your individual needs. Our staff are experienced in handling potentially sensitive issues which are involved in the verification of individuals background. Furthermore, confidentially and professionalism throughout is fully respected and adhered too.

In 2011 Nova Risk Management became part of Staffvetting.com Limited creating one of the UK’s leading providers of quality employee background and screening services.

Security of screening information held during the process is of paramount importance, consequently, our premises are secured to an NSI NACOSS Gold Standard by external and internal CCTV, access control, intruder and fire alarm systems.

Our clients are independently audited by their own accrediting authority these are: BSI, ISOQAR, NSI, SSAIB, NQA and LRQA. Therefore, our outcomes are constantly under scrutiny.

Support HelpDesk Team

For assistance with completing applications, status updates on Screening files or any other support issues, please email info@staffvetting.com.  This will ensure no requests are delayed as our Support Helpdesk Team will be able to manage and respond to your request in a timely manner.  Please also ensure you also check our website for regular updates – www.staffvetting.com.

Operational Hours

Our normal opening hours are 09.00 – 17.00 Monday to Friday.

Dedicated to Mutual Respect

We believe everyone deserves to be treated with kindness, dignity and respect. That’s why we are dedicated to creating a positive and healthy workplace culture for everyone in our team. This belief and dedication is reflected in our Mutual Respect Policy, which states:
  • Our employees’ health and wellbeing is of the utmost importance to us. That is the foundation of our business culture. Without it we cannot support each other, perform well, deliver the highest level of service to our customers or sustain a profitable business.
  • We understand the vetting process can be challenging sometimes, but under no circumstance is this is an excuse or licence to use abusive, passive aggressive, hostile, denigrating or rude language or behaviour towards the people in our team. Any such language or behaviour will be shared and discussed with our clients and the relevant authorities if we consider it necessary.
  • We work hard for our clients, applicants and suppliers. We are here to help clients create and process applications and we’re here to help applicants complete their applications.
  • We treat all our clients, applicants, colleagues and suppliers with respect and we expect the same from everyone we work with in return.
  • We are also absolutely and categorically opposed to any form of discrimination based on colour, nationality, sex, gender, race or creed.
  • We are totally committed to creating and maintaining a working environment based on dignity and mutual respect. We will never condone nor tolerate behaviour that undermines the dignity or self esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile, abusive or offensive environment.
  • We have a legal and moral responsibility to protect our employees from any form of inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour.
  • We encourage all our employees to report any language or behaviour they feel to be contrary to this policy and take all such reports very seriously. We are fully prepared to support the people in our team and will take legal action if required.
  • We always reserve the right not to work with anyone who expresses such language or behaviour and to cancel any applications for such people without subsequent liability, recompense or refund to the client or applicant.


Head Office:
Staffvetting.com Limited
Clavering House,
Clavering Place,

Regional Office Address:
Staffvetting.com Limited c/o CRS
Suite 2, Leigh Wharf,
Canal Street, Leigh,

Registered Address:
Staffvetting.com Limited
Mains House,
143 Front Street,
County Durham,

Registration Number: 06045519
