Background Checks
For Businesses, Organisations and Charities
DBS Checks
We’re a delegated government provider of Basic, Standard and Enhanced DBS Checks with Responsible Organisation and Registered Body status.
Digital DBS Checks
Digital DBS checks – using digital ID validation – to verify an applicant’s ID and additional RTW service for UK or Irish passport so you can get them on-site quickly.
BS7858 Screening
British Standard 7858 screening (with SIA Approved Contractor Scheme requirements), with or without pre-employment checks.
We offer a huge range of employee screening and background checking services – see our Services page for more details.
We are the UK’s leading quality provider of background checks, and an accredited provider of employee vetting (pre-employment checks) services to the public, private and third sector.
We’ve been delivering these background checks to SMEs and large companies, charities and organisations all over the world since 2002 and have built up a reputation for excellence and outstanding customer service.
We are dedicated to delivering an outstanding level of background checks in a friendly and efficient way. We are NSI Gold accredited for ISO9001 and NCP111 for BS7858:2019 vetting. We are also ISO27001 accredited for Information Security through BAB.
We are committed to being a Living Wage employer and creating a positive and healthy working environment for our team, which is reflected in our Mutual Respect Policy.
In addition to delivering DBS, Disclosure Scotland / PVG, AccessNI, BS7858, SIA BS7858 and BPSS background checks for the UK, we also provide a comprehensive international vetting service in over 150 countries for UK and multinationals.
These background screening checks include Criminality Checks, Financial Checks, Employment History, ID verification etc. In many cases we can carry them out within 24 hours.